It's amusing, how random words from random sources might be so relateable. The universality of human nature connects us to each other. The context might be different, but the essence is the same.
This particular quote is from a TV show I have grown very fond of. Who doesn't like their favorite character being killed off as soon as they become likeable? Might as well die before they become despicable. But that moment, when you have to grasp the idea that you won't be seeing more of that character anymore provokes some baser emotions.
A state of denial tends to overwhelm us and then we seek escape. It would be better to just leave it all behind and move towards some new horizon. The disgust of bitter betrayal makes us feel like we have been victimized. Which leads to over thinking, over analyzing and unnecessary contemplation. A big fat mess, that's what it is.
But escape is not the solution. We can't just get a ticket to no-land and burn the glorious present to ashes, can't we? Or can we? In order to maintain the balance of our lives, we make certain things as we break others. We agree to hold on to certain hands and let go of others. But what about the things you have to break and let go to? They're left behind, to learn a lesson. Or maybe just dwell in self-loathing. Either way, the suffering is inevitable.
Or maybe this is all an exaggeration to justify our guilt. Because, we're in the state of denial. We have been betrayed and we have to come up with a logical answer. Why?